
Our students are encouraged to develop a philosophy of personal ethics that will enable them to succeed well in life by remaining true to themselves and their goals and by creating valuable relationships with others. Athena graduates are aware of their local community, their broader Australian community and mankind. They take an active role in helping to better and improve conditions in all their endeavours.
In order to develop such virtues, we teach from the booklet “How to Make Good Choices”, which is based on the first nonreligious moral code called 'The Way to Happiness'. The Way to Happiness was written by L. Ron Hubbard as an individual work and not part of any religious doctrine. Precept 12, “Safeguard the Environment”, prompts our students to value such community activities as Clean Up Australia Day. Discipline in the first instance is approached by reviewing Precept 19 “Try not to do things to others that you would not like them to do to you” and Precept 20, “Try to treat others as you would want them to treat you”. You are welcome to contact us to receive a complimentary copy of “How to Make Good Choices”.

The Athena School is inclusive of all denominations and cultures. Importance is placed on developing such virtues as kindness, tolerance and respect, as well as those which are part of our school motto: Persistence, Integrity and Understanding.

Morals for everyday living
Qualities such as personal integrity, responsibility and respect for self and others are necessary for a happy and worthwhile life, and therefore guidance towards these qualities is considered an important role of the school.
The non-religious moral precepts contained in How to Make Good Choices (based on Mr. Hubbards The Way to Happiness) are used for this purpose.
While the school is not run on authoritarian lines, positive control is used and self-discipline is fostered through the use of the precepts in How to Make Good Choices. The school has a zero tolerance on bullying.
At Athena we strive for friendliness and approachability between parents and staff to help resolve any concerns relating to the child’s progress at school.
"When one does not respect the ownership of things, his own possessions and property are at risk.
A person who, for one reason or another, has been unable to honestly accumulate possessions, can pretend that nobody owns anything anyway. But don’t try to steal his shoes!"

Do Not Steal
This is an example from How to Make Good Choices
- Order your own copy HERE

Being of service to his or her community plays a big part in the upbringing of a child in today’s world. Organisations proudly supported by our students include:
Youth for Human Rights
Clean Up Australia Day
The Cat Protection Society
Harmony Day
Drug-free Ambassadors
Sustainable Schools